With the support of international organization GIZ a geoportal of spatial data was developed. This geoportal is an essential part of the "National Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Republic of Tajikistan".
Geoinformational portal is a complex of software and hardware, network services and geodata services designed for collection, storage, analysis, cataloging and publication of geospatial data. This project was launched for the first time in the Republic of Tajikistan by us. The project will help national institutions and owners of geodata: upload, publish, exchange vector and raster geodata"
- Increase of efficiency of spatial data and geoinformation technologies usage in the systems of management decision support in economical, social, ecological, scientifical spheres
- Elimination of duplication of work and costs for the creation of spatial data at all levels of management
- Integration of spatial data that are created by different organizations on a common geodetic and cartographic basis according to common norms and rules
- Ensuring the availability of spatial data and metadata created by the public sector and enterprises on the Internet.
- Will allow to improve the system of providing the needs of society in all types of cartographic information, increase the efficiency of spatial data and geoinformation technologies.
Main roles:
The Geoportal contains three types of users:
- Administrator
- Adding data
- Publishing
- User registration
- Control over the entire geoportal
- Editor
- Adding data
- Requests for publication
- Editing own data
- User
- Viewing the content of the geoportal allowed for viewing
The project has automated:
- Uploading of geodata
- Adding metadata and publishing geodata
- Customizing access and view of geodata
- Connecting external geodata sources
- Adding prepared materials and linking them to data categories
- Loading data from "Fazo" laboratory storage
- Dynamic addition of directories
- Adding organizations
- Creating editors and administrators of organizations
- Geoportal tracking
- Data publication notifications
- Dynamic addition of additional materials
- Search for geodata and ready materials
- Geoportal tracking