Master class for the sales department | ООО «Ребус» - От идеи к разработке: экспертное программное обеспечение, веб-разработка и мобильная разработка в Таджикистане

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Master class for the sales department

On October 4, 2023, a master class from Akhmedov Zokir, the founder of the company, was held for the sales department within our office. The master class demonstrated a proper sales strategy from its start to finish. Salespeople need to understand how software is created, what developers can do and what they can't do. This allows them to reveal the product to the customer more fully, to answer questions that arise immediately, without additional consultations with programmers. You save the customer's time and increase the chances of closing a deal with them. Subsequently, he can tell his friends about the company, and you will get new customers thanks to "word of mouth". The case study was analyzed during a 15-minute planning session.

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