2023 results | ООО «Ребус» - От идеи к разработке: экспертное программное обеспечение, веб-разработка и мобильная разработка в Таджикистане

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2023 results

e have summarized the results of 2023 with team and thank everyone who worked hard and put their heart and soul into their work. This has been a really busy year for us.

Here are a few important events from it:

  • moved from a 100 m2 office to the city center, where the office space was 560 m2;
  • increased our workforce 3 times;
  • made 76 tender submissions, of which 13 won 🏆 (projects such as Hydro World Food Program, Good Neighbors- trainings, Helvetas "Monitoring", Startup Chokhona- UNDP, etc.);
  • successfully implemented 13 projects, of which the major ones are: "SIRCO", "Kitobdust" and "Math" Chemonics, "Hydro" World Food Program, portal-certification (Ministry of Transport of RT), "EDM" MEDT of RT 1-2 stage.

Thank you all so much for the great teamwork and for being with us for the whole year and the next.

Happy New Year to all 🎄✨

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